Amazon Prime Day: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly…..

My story is different than others I know. Amazon is a service I order from maybe once or twice a year. So paying for Prime was never a thought I had. In the past few weeks I started seeing all these ads and articles on Prime Day. It really struck me with the “Bigger than Black Friday” sale. A day before the sale went live. I signed right up not wanting to miss any deals. In that aspect this worked quite well. I happen to be a night owl when 3am striked. The time in which east coast could start shopping. Am I crazy, missing out on sleep for products I may or may not buy. Yes! It seems I was crazy and fooled like others. 


   I’m not sure why a well established company like Amazon. Would not be better prepared or prepare us the consumer. I was so confused on where to look. Some exclusive deals where mystery products. Others you could see when they would be on sale. Though some help products would only be available for 10-30 minutes. Before you would have to join a waiting list. Makes me think what’s the purpose of being a prime member. I felt bad for people who were at work and just simply could not eagle watch a deal. 

  Upcoming would mean not present right. Wrong for Prime Day. Most of the first few pages were already on waiting list or on current sale. Not to mention the filter category. Contained nothing helpful. Such as list by price or precentage claimed. 
I get that a sale is on various products. Though boasting Prime Day to be this big bad awesome alternative to Black Friday. With sales of products barley anyone cared about. Not to wise of an idea. If you’ve followed the Twitter #AmazonPrimeDay and #PrimeDay. It was non stop disappointment and jokes. 

All and all I did end of buying a few items. Pretty good sale prices in my opinion. Maybe that was their plan all along. To get new members a sample of a Prime services. I’m pleasantly satisfied with the fast shipping and have yet to dig into the other free services. So who knows if I will stay or cancel by the end of the trail. Nonetheless well played Amazon. 

Tin Roof Orlando Review 

On the newly built area of I-Drive360. You will find many restaurants that you might have in your very own area. Though what’s unique besides the lovey Orlando Eye. Sits the Tin Roof Orlando(yes, the roof is actually tin). A live music joint that happens to serve food,deserts & drinks.  I’ve had many friends already gave it a recommendation. So it was time to see how well it was. 


I had no wait mainly due to it being a mid-day Saturday. Best guess people were at the parks or by the hotel pool. The menu is quite simple. Similar to any other American restaurant you’ve visited. I first started off with the BBQ Brisket Nachos. On one hand the toppings tasted great but the ratio was off sided. I was left with a pile of nachos without much to eat with. This might sound funny but the water cups here are truly awesome! Their large enough that you might not need a refill. 



Onto the main meal. I got the Roof Burger. Simple and tasty except just a little personal complaint I had. It had mustard on it. Before you send me hate mail. I don’t mind mustard. I just feel for the burger it was better suited to be on the side. The fries to me had a bit of a over fried taste to them.


Overall my experience was so/so. The prices are about what you expect in the mid-range. Service was just ok. Though I’d easily go back. This time with some friends and a few drinks. I’m sure to haves better time. Have you been to Tin Roof Orlando and if so what’s your thoughts? Leave a comment or tweet me @ZombieCT




Welcome and become one of the guyyys…..

The average guy, that guy and any guy. One of the guyyys is a term we like to use. It means to be among a group of trusted & knowledgeable friends. Weekly here on the site. We will explore various types of categories such as theme parks, tech & entertainment talk. The kind of conversations you & the guyyys might have over a couple drinks. Thus giving you an incite of what it’s like to be one of the guyyys.