Top 5 ways a 2-Park Horror Nights might not work.

In our last Top 5. We listed positive reasons as to why a 2-Park Horror Nights might work. Today we’re going the opposite route.

  1. Are you meeting up with friends or catching a show? Good luck with that. Traveling to the other side might upset guests in the long haul. 
  2. For the most part express tickets is needed. After a 2-Park event, you might need to plan on going for 2 nights.
  3. Everyone has their own game plan. Though this time around. It would take a few weeks to monitor how the crowds work.
  4. Depending on how they would like to proceed with a 2-Park. It could overload a total of 5 houses in the soundstage area. Prepare for crazy queue lines.
  5. To piggyback of the last one. Some of your favorite areas might not be open. Such as Fast Food Blvd, Duff Gardens & Chef Alcatraz. Popular rides such as M.I.B. & The Simpsons. Not to mention the widely popular scare-zone area of Central Park

So what are your thoughts? Leave a comment or tweet me at ZombieCT

One thought on “Top 5 ways a 2-Park Horror Nights might not work.

  1. It sounds like an awesome idea but the logistics seem impossible! There would be so much ground to cover it would more than likely be impossible to do it all in one night. (Although that gives us more of an excuse to stay longer!)

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