Is the Lost Continent really lost?

Do you know of the Lost Continent? If your answer is no, you’re not alone. Like many guest it’s just a restroom,first-aid or a snack place before going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. A shame the island started out vast and imaginative. Being one of the original park opening islands. Featuring two dueling (at the time) roller coasters which now are part of Wizarding World. 

Today it still features Sinbad: The 8th Voyage, Poseidon’s Fury and Mythos, a grand scale seating restaurant.  Both Sinbad and Poseidon are shows when you breakdown the aspects. Sinbad is said to be in stages of being improved. Though I have to wonder. Do guest care about shows anymore? Here is a thought. Lost Continent is the only original (non IP) property standing. Though in this day of age of theme parks. Things of a well-known property. Only bring record crowds and merchandise that sales. Would you be happy or sad if the Continent just became truly lost? Leave a comment below or tweet me at ZombieCT

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